3 décembre 2021

West Valley College Transfer Agreements

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West Valley College is a community college located in the heart of Silicon Valley, California. The college offers a variety of programs and courses that cater to the needs of students with different career goals. For students looking to transfer to a four-year college or university, West Valley College has transfer agreements with several institutions that can make the process smoother and more efficient.

Transfer agreements are formal partnerships between community colleges and four-year colleges or universities. These agreements ensure that students who complete specific courses at the community college will be guaranteed admission to the partner institution and receive credit for the completed coursework. This can save students time and money as they won`t have to retake similar courses at the four-year college.

West Valley College has transfer agreements with many excellent colleges and universities in California and across the country. Some of these institutions include California State University, San Jose State University, University of California, University of Southern California, and more.

To take advantage of these transfer agreements, students must meet the requirements set by both West Valley College and the partner institution. These requirements usually include completing a certain number of units, maintaining a minimum GPA, and fulfilling specific coursework requirements.

West Valley College offers several transfer programs that students can choose from based on their academic goals. Some of these programs include the Associate in Arts (AA) degree for transfer, the Associate in Science (AS) degree for transfer, and the Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) program.

The AA and AS degrees for transfer are designed for students who plan to transfer to a California State University or University of California campus. These degrees satisfy lower-division general education and major requirements, making it easier for students to transition to the four-year college.

The TAG program is a unique program that guarantees admission to a specific University of California campus for students who meet all program requirements. This program is available for select majors and is ideal for students who are committed to attending a University of California school.

In conclusion, West Valley College offers many transfer agreements and programs that make it easier for students to transfer to a four-year college or university. By taking advantage of these agreements and programs, students can save time and money while pursuing their academic goals. For more information on these transfer agreements, students can visit the West Valley College website or speak to a counselor.

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