10 décembre 2022

What Is the Definition of Word Salad

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Given that political debates often focus on the difference between meaning and nonsense, as perceived by one side or the other, it is not surprising that the salad of words has entered the political arena: most are pleasant, if forgotten, and some texts turn into salads of words. –Playboy, July 1, 1985 Only time will tell if this « ridiculous and incoherent » meaning of the word salad is becoming common enough to appear in the dictionary. But it seems likely: after all, politics is unlikely to become any less absurd in the foreseeable future. Words We`re Watching is about words that we see being used more and more, but that don`t yet meet our inclusion criteria. Another way to create meaningless text is mojibake, in which a seemingly random selection of text is created by character encoding incompatibility, where characters from one sentence are replaced with characters from another. The effect is most effective in languages where each character represents a word, such as Chinese. Markov strings can be used to create random but somewhat human sentences. This is used in some chatbots, especially IRC networks. Narcissistic word salad is an intentionally confusing type of language that uses circular reasoning, logical errors, and other rhetorical means to disorient and manipulate a person or group. Some antisocial and narcissistic people use it to fumigate their goals. [6] A more technical term for language problems resulting from brain injury or mental illness is aphasia, which means « loss or impairment of the ability to use or understand words. » Paraphasia is sometimes used as a synonym for word salad: « aphasia, in which the patient uses wrong words or sounds in meaningless combinations ». Another word that is sometimes used is paragrammatism, which comes from paragram, a play on words formed by changing the letter of the letters of a word (such as « my sediments exactly » instead of « my feelings exactly »). More serious attempts to automatically produce absurdities come from Claude Shannon`s seminal 1948 paper, A Mathematical Theory of Communication,[7] which produces increasingly convincing absurdities by randomly selecting letters and spaces, and then depending on how often each character appears in a sample text.

then taking into account the probability that the chosen letter will follow the previous one or both in the sample text. Appears. then apply similar techniques to whole words. Its most persuasive nonsense is created by second-order word approximation, in which words are selected by a random function, weighted by the probability that each word in the normal text follows the previous one: The stories of « dotcom », « grunge » and other words from the nineties It`s remarkable when you think about it: Here the country now has with George W. Our first dyslexic president. Bush, a lead-fingered orator who can hardly survive a presidential speech or press conference without turning the best efforts of his speechwriters into a salad of words. –Arkansas Democrat-Gazette [Little Rock], November 2, 2006 Word salad can be generated by a computer program for entertainment purposes by inserting randomly selected words of the same type (nouns, adjectives, etc.) into sets of templates with missing words, a game similar to Mad Libs. Video game company Maxis used this technique in its revolutionary SimCity 2000 to create a « diary » in gaming for entertainment. The columns were put together using a vague story structure and randomizing different nouns, adjectives, and verbs to generate seemingly unique stories.

Here are some of the words we are currently looking for a place in the dictionary. Gertrude Stein provided the almost plotless word salad of a libretto. – The New York Times, February 21, 1999 In a conversation, you have to build your sentence by sentence, observing the reaction of your listener, while aiming for the relevance of the question. That`s what led Ms. Palin to speak with Ms. Couric. – The New York Times, October 4, 2008 In recent years, however, a slightly different use of the term has emerged, closer to « nonsense. » This use of the word salad usually reflects a judgment on the logic or intelligence of a person`s language, rather than the person`s mental state. It has been used to refer to opaque writing, including lyrics to new songs: A word salad or schizophasia is a « confused or incomprehensible mixture of seemingly random words and phrases »,[1] most often used to describe a symptom of a neurological or mental disorder.

In particular, the term schizophasia is used to describe the confusing language that can be evident in schizophrenia. [2] Words may or may not be grammatically correct, but they are so semantically confusing that the listener cannot deprive them of meaning. The term is commonly used in psychiatry as well as theoretical linguistics to describe a kind of grammatical acceptance judgment of native speakers, and in computer programming to describe textual randomization. COULTER: That`s just a perfect example of getting a salad of words from the Democrats. –Fox News Interview with Ann Coulter, May 25, 2007 Like a salad in Jell-O, a « salad of words » doesn`t make much sense. The individual components (vegetables, words, cocktail olives, lime gelatin) may be fine, but they don`t work as a coherent whole. Without Ward`s edgy playing, a flat Dylan and his salad lyrics sometimes get lost in lush but numbing sound walls. – The Washington Post, November 13, 2002 Google`s SERP titles should be more intuitive than salads of words taken from random parts of a page. Dave`s lecture is a jumble of Marxist jargon and left-wing slogans (« United we stand » and « We shall overcome »). –Film review, December 22, 1999 These sample sentences are automatically selected from various online information sources to reflect the current use of the word « word salad ». The views expressed in the examples do not represent the views of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us your feedback.

« Salad of words. » Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/word%20salad. Retrieved 9 December 2022. Until recently, the term lettuce was mainly used by specialists. In 1996, film critics used it to describe Geoffrey Rush`s performance as pianist David Helfgott in Shine, and although the term is quite explicit, it was used in its correct medical sense as the character struggled with mental illness.

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