5 décembre 2022

What`s the Difference between Legal Duty and Moral Duty

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Due diligence is the legal and moral obligation to protect others from harm while they are in your care, using your services, or being exposed to your activities. Due diligence has a tangible impact on every business, regardless of size. First, consider the worst-case scenarios for your organization. What happens, for example, if an employee is on a business trip and there is a terrorist attack? Do you have a plan if an employee gets sick while working abroad? What happens if an employee has an accident between construction sites? Respecting parents and teachers, caring for the family and helping those in need are some examples of moral duties while obeying the Constitution, paying taxes honestly and regularly, are examples of legal duties. It is important to distinguish between different categories of rights in order to understand whether there is moral injustice when the right to a right is not realized. Moral duties are obligations that we should follow, but are not legally bound to do. It is our moral responsibility to serve our parents, teachers, siblings and loved ones. The issue of moral limitation on the treatment of human cadavers was discussed a few years ago with practical application to product development when it was decided to resume the use of human cadavers in motor vehicle safety test accidents. The treatment of cadavers is also of practical importance in establishing the practices of teaching hospitals that sometimes allow aspiring doctors to perform medical procedures on cadavers before rigor mortis sets in. This practice offers aspiring physicians the opportunity to hone their skills before applying medical procedures on live patients. Laws requiring family consent for any cadaver surgery are common and reflect the disgust with which most people in the United States view the instrumental use of cadavers. However, this legal reluctance is often circumvented by the trick of delaying the declaration of the patient`s death.

The widespread granting of rights to beings who do not make informed decisions has spread in the United States in recent decades, along with increased concerns about the welfare of nonhuman animals. However, the fact that someone assigns rights to nonhuman animals does not entirely determine the person`s opinion of how these animals should be treated ethically. In practice, there is only a very general tendency for those who believe that animals have rights to think that animals should be treated in the same way that we treat humans. Many who are reluctant to attribute rights to nonhuman animals recognize people`s obligations to them. As mentioned earlier, a moral prohibition of animal cruelty is widely recognized and supported by some laws. The act is called the content of the obligation; This is what must be described when defining a specific obligation. The obligation is only a legal condition, a creation of the law. What can employers do to demonstrate that they are fulfilling their duty of care? Unlike absolute rights, rights whose claims can be balanced by moral considerations are called prima facie rights – from the Latin « at first sight ». Most rights are prima facie. For example, the right to travel freely, the right to own property, the right to drive, the right to be served afterwards (if you`ve been standing in line) are all rights that can rightly be overridden in certain circumstances. Of course, circumstances that might give rise to a kind of prima facie right may be common to a kind of prima facie right, but may be rare in others. To say that a right is prima facie and not absolute means that there may be other considerations that outweigh the right in a particular case.

If the claim of a right is not fulfilled, it is customary to say that the claim (and the right) is violated. For example, if A refuses to hand over B`s car keys to B because B is too drunk to drive or is under the influence of drugs that seriously impair his ability to drive, B`s driver`s licence has been violated. When a moral injustice is committed by violating a right (i.e. when there are insufficient moral grounds to violate the law), it is said to be violated. If A refuses to hand over B`s car keys simply because A is in an awkward mood, A has violated B`s right to use his property. Let`s go back to our Florida story. Not only do these disgusting excuses for people who are not charged with a crime, but they cannot be sued by the victim`s family for monetary damages. The youth did not violate any civil duty to the person who drowned. There is no obligation to rescue, either under our criminal law or under our civil law. People talk about both legal and moral rights. Although attempts are often made to give moral rights the force of law by making them a legal right, moral rights must be distinguished from legal rights.

It is not a contradiction to say that a person has the legal right to do something, but not the moral right to do it, or to claim that certain laws are unjust. Laws that treated slaves as property violated the moral rights of those who were slaves. The argument used to justify slavery in the United States was that the Constitution only guaranteed rights to citizens. The law does not recognize slaves as citizens and therefore does not grant them civil rights, that is, the legal rights of citizens. In addition, the law considered slaves to be the property of others. The Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution stated that former slaves were citizens and that all citizens had the right to life, liberty, and property (although only men had the right to vote), and that naturalized citizens had the same rights as Americans born in the country. That same year, 1868, Burlin`s Treaty of Play was signed. He denied the possibility of naturalization of Chinese Americans, even though he allowed free immigration between China and the United States.

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