5 décembre 2022

Weak Law of Large Numbers Infinite Variance

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Not only do the (weak and strong) distributions of large numbers apply to the means of the random variables iid $X_i$ without assuming the existence of variance, but the weak [and only the weak distribution] of large numbers can occur even without the existence of an expectation of $X_i$, as described on the corresponding Wikipedia page. We can prove this with Chebyshev`s inequality, which states that the probability that a random variable X deviates from its mean by a small constant k is less than or equal to the variance of X divided by the square of the constant k. Another good example of LLN is the Monte Carlo method. These methods are a broad class of computational algorithms that rely on repeated random sampling to obtain numerical results. The higher the number of repetitions, the better the approximation. The main reason why this method is important is that it is sometimes difficult or impossible to use other approaches. [3] If the $sigma_i^2$ increases extremely rapidly, the sample means may show large variances and prevent probability convergence. where X1, X2,. is an infinite sequence of random variables i.i.d. of finite expected value E(X1)=E(X2) =.

= µ < ∞. This version is called the weak distribution because probability convergence is a weak convergence of random variables. A finite variance hypothesis Var(X1) = Var(X2) =. = σ2 < ∞ is not necessary. Large or infinite variance slows convergence, but LLN still holds. This assumption is often used because it makes the evidence simpler and shorter. As mentioned earlier, the weak distribution applies to i.i.d. random variables, but it also applies in other cases. For example, the variance may be different for each random variable in the series, with the expected value remaining constant. If the deviations are limited, then the law applies, as Shebyshev already showed in 1867. (If the expected values change over the course of the series, we can simply apply the law to the average deviation from the respective expected values. The law then states that it converges to zero in probability.) In fact, Chebyshev`s proof works as long as the variance of the mean of the first n values goes to zero, while n goes to infinity.

[12] As an example, suppose that each random variable in the series follows a Gaussian distribution with a mean of zero but with a variance equal to 2 n/log ( n + 1 ) {displaystyle 2n/log(n+1)} , which is not bounded. In each phase, the mean is normally distributed (like the mean of a set of normally distributed variables). The variance of the sum is equal to the sum of the variances, which is asymptotic to n 2 / log n {displaystyle n^{2}/log n}. The variance of the mean is therefore asymptotic to 1 / log n {displaystyle 1/log n} and goes towards zero. Although the proportion of heads (and numbers) approaches 1⁄2, the absolute difference in the number of heads and tails will almost certainly become large as the number of jumps becomes large. That is, the probability that the absolute difference is a small number approaches zero when the number of reversals becomes large. In addition, the ratio between the absolute difference and the number of reversals will almost certainly be close to zero. Intuitively, the expected difference increases, but more slowly than the number of flips.

But if causal relations are no longer fundamental and probabilities are not to be considered primitive, Reichenbach had to find a new basis for the concept of probability. These efforts coincided with similar concerns of Richard von Mises. Von Mises tried to establish a basis of probability with respect to random events [von Mises, 1919]. Although randomness was well understood before the theory, all attempts to formally characterize it have proven to be undesirable consequences. The goal shared by Reichenbach and von Mises was to reduce the notion of probability to a property of infinite sequences of events, thus avoiding any kind of circularity in the basis. Chebyshev`s inequality. Let X be a finite expected random variable μ and a nonzero finite variance σ2. Then, for each real number k > 0, for example, a single roll of a just-six-sided die gives one of the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6, each with the same probability.

Therefore, the expected value of the average of the rolls is: Further suppose that if we had infinite data, there would be a limit distribution at frequencies of 0 and 1 in the sequence, with P(X = 1) = p and P(X = 0) = 1−p. The real empirical distribution—determined by the relative frequency of 1s and 0s among the available measures—is Pˆ(X=1)=pˆ and Pˆ(X=0)=1−pˆ. Reichenbach states that there is a higher probability q, which states that Pˆ(|pˆ−p|<ε)=q for small ε, that is, the true distribution falls with probability q at ε distance from the empirical distribution. According to Reichenbach, we have an estimate of such a probability of higher order q by considering several measurement sequences, each with its own empirical distribution. So let`s say we have three measurement sequences (say, from different experiments of the gravitational constant on (a) the moon, on (b) a planet, and (c) using the Cavendish scale): the difference between the strong and weak versions is the type of convergence we`re talking about. A central area of research in philosophy of science is Bayesian theory of confirmation. James Hawthorne uses Bayesian theory of confirmation to provide a logic of how proofs distinguish competing hypotheses or theories. He argues that it is misleading to identify Bayesian theory of confirmation with the subjective representation of probability. Rather, any representation that represents the degree to which a hypothesis is supported by proofs as a conditional probability of the hypothesis over the proof, with the probability function involved satisfying the usual probabilistic axioms, will be a Bayesian theory, regardless of the interpretation of the probability concept it uses. For in such a case, Bayes` theorem will express how what assumptions say about proofs (about probabilities) affects the degree to which hypotheses are supported by proofs (about later probabilities).

Hawthorne argues that the usual subjective interpretation of the probabilistic confirmation function is strongly challenged by extended versions of the problem of ancient proofs. He shows that with the usual subjectivist interpretation, even trivial information that an agent can learn about an evidentiary claim can completely undermine the objectivity of probabilities.

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