4 décembre 2022

Vauxhall Legal Department

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Please first try to resolve your complaint informally with the person handling the case. If you cannot resolve the issue informally, please contact your local department manager. Email General inquiries about enquiries@vauxhallinfo.co.uk We provide immediate assistance and can handle complaints without the stress and hassle of contacting the company itself. We can also show you how to file Hermès, Ofcom or BBC complaints from the comfort of your own home. Our automated system is always available, making it the fastest way to resolve issues with Vauxhall`s complaints department. Email customer service at vauxhall.customerassistance@vauxhall.co.uk To help you get the best response to your Vauxhall complaint, Resolver can put you in direct contact with the best person or service you need to talk to. We will also advise you on how to formulate your complaint in order to get a quick solution to your problem. If you are still not satisfied after receiving a response from Vauxhall Finance, you have the right to forward the details of your complaint to your local financial ombudsman service. There is no fee for the service, but you must contact them within six months of the date you receive a final response. Parliament manages the free independent service, which aims to settle disputes between companies and their customers. If the Financial Ombudsman Service rules in your favour and believes that you have been treated unfairly, they have the legal means to end the dispute.

Email to Rory Harvey (CEO) on rory.harvey@vauxhall.co.uk Vauxhall assumes no responsibility for third party websites. Through the infotainment system, Vauxhall can also offer applications developed by third parties (« 3rd party application »). When you download a 3rd Party Application to your mobile device or vehicle, the 3rd Party Application may collect information about you in connection with your download or use of that Application. Vauxhall is not responsible for the collection or use of information by third-party applications. We recommend that you carefully read the privacy policy of each third-party application before downloading or using it. Vauxhall works with third-party advertising and personalization partners to help us display personalized content and appropriate advertising based on your visit to Vauxhall.co.uk and other websites. If you do not wish to receive personalized advertising from us when you visit a Vauxhall website, you can click on the AdChoices icon at the bottom of the website. You are prohibited from posting or transmitting any material to or from the Website: Vauxhall has developed certain mobile applications that you may download to your mobile device or vehicle (« Vauxhall Apps »). If you download a Vauxhall app, you may provide us with or receive information about yourself or your vehicle. Each Vauxhall app displays a separate privacy statement that informs you of how information shared through the app will be handled and how you can opt out of such use or uninstall the app. (b) for which you have not obtained all necessary licenses and/or permits; mul If you send written correspondence, expect to receive an acknowledgement from Vauxhall within five working days. It will take you approximately eight weeks to receive a detailed response to your request.

You will receive a letter containing the following information: We are an independent directory of contact information that allows consumers to quickly and efficiently find appropriate contact information and discuss their own complaint experiences with other Internet users. (a) no related documents or graphics on the Website are modified in any way; Did Vauxhall Motors ignore your complaint? – This website has been created and is operated in accordance with the laws of England and these Terms are governed by English law. In resolving any dispute relating to this website and these terms, the laws of England shall prevail and the courts of England shall have exclusive jurisdiction. Vauxhall Finance`s submission of complaints includes the following trademarks and trade names: Except for personal information covered by Vauxhall`s Privacy Policy, any material you submit or post to the Site will be considered non-confidential and non-proprietary. Vauxhall has no obligation with respect to this material. Vauxhall and its delegates are free to copy, disclose, distribute, incorporate and otherwise use such materials and data, images, sounds, text and other materials contained therein for any purpose whatsoever. If you want to file a complaint about Vauxhall with Resolver, the process couldn`t be simpler. Read and understand your consumer rights, then answer a few simple questions to help Resolver prepare your email (which you can review and address) that will clarify the issue and get the most out of your complaint. You have the option to submit your complaint by phone via our mobile application. This website may also contain iframes with content from other Vauxhall websites or third party websites. Vauxhall is not responsible for third-party content presented in iFrames.

The information contained therein is the sole responsibility of these website owners. Vauxhall has no control over or responsibility for the content of independent websites and makes such external content available to its visitors for their convenience. Therefore, when you visit a page that contains such content, you may see cookies from those third-party websites. Vauxhall does not control the distribution of these cookies. For more information, see the Third Party Privacy Policy. Complaint handling We have a complaints handling procedure in place that allows you to attempt to resolve disputes. We will do our best to resolve the issue quickly and efficiently. Nothing in these Terms excludes or limits Stellantis` liability for: (a) death or personal injury caused by Stellantis` negligence; (b) fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; (c) any liability that cannot be excluded or limited under applicable law. (a) death or personal injury caused by Vauxhall`s negligence; The materials on this website have been thoroughly scanned and tested at all stages of production. Nevertheless, Vauxhall recommends running a virus scan before use. Vauxhall also recommends that you have a recent backup of your hard drive before using the software.

You should consult your network administrator before downloading documents to a networked computer. This website « the Website » is operated by Stellantis N.V. (hereinafter « Stellantis »). (b) no graphics on the Website are used separately from the relevant text; and (d) is technically harmful (including, but not limited to, computer viruses, logic bombs, Trojan horses, worms, harmful components, corrupted data or other malicious software or data). Vauxhall cares about your privacy. We collect and process different types of personal data via this website. More information on TMO procedures can be found on the Motor Ombudsman`s website under www.themotorombudsman.org. You can also contact the Vehicle Ombudsman Information Line on 0345 2413008.

You may not abuse the Website (including, but not limited to, hacking). Although Vauxhall endeavours to ensure that the Website is normally available 24 hours a day, Vauxhall shall not be liable if, for any reason, the Website is unavailable at any time or for any period of time. No reliance should be placed on statements on the Site, and the materials on the Site are provided « as is » without conditions, warranties or other terms of any kind. Accordingly, to the fullest extent permitted by law, Vauxhall makes the Website available to you on the basis that Vauxhall excludes all representations, warranties and conditions or other terms (including, but not limited to, terms implied by law) that may be in force in connection with the Website but for such terms.

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