4 décembre 2022

V Legal Indonesia

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« There could be a bigger impact on our forests, [with] deforestation and illegal logging, » he told Mongabay. One of the main challenges during development was the period of more than 2 years to reach agreement among stakeholders on the definition, form and form of the SVLK, which delayed the implementation of the system. It also took more than 9 years (2007-2016) of lengthy negotiations for the Indonesian government to convince members of the international community to rely on the new SVLK system given the scale of illegal logging and timber trade in Indonesia in the past. When implementation began, some business groups rejected the system due to the complexity of SVLK certification. Over time, compliance has steadily increased as companies that initially resisted saw the benefits that could come from it, particularly in opening export markets. Some users of the system are separately concerned about the costs associated with obtaining certification. The Indonesian government has addressed this situation by providing public funding to facilitate the process, especially for small-scale forest and business owners. « Illegal timber is always mixed with legal timber, like in Papua, » he told Mongabay, referring to Indonesia`s easternmost province, home to the country`s largest virgin rainforest. « This still happens when V-legal documents are mandatory. The system can be deceived.

This error should therefore be corrected. But instead of fixing it, the government is abandoning everything. Syahrul said it was unfortunate that lobbying by a small part of the timber industry had derailed the entire timber legality system that had been built over the course of a decade. It has also caused confusion among companies planning to export their products to countries that require legal certification. « I believe that we, timber producers and consumer countries, are all interested in ending the threat posed by the illegal timber trade. Indonesia has been able to develop and implement a robust system to demonstrate the legality of our wood products by SVLK. It is time for regulated timber markets to accept legally verified timber from Indonesia, and in particular for the European Union to give life to FLEGT authorised timber from Indonesia. In 2015, the Ministry of Commerce waived the requirements, but only for small and medium-sized exporters of furniture and handicrafts. After much criticism, including from the EU, he backtracked and reinstated the legal requirement throughout the sector. Strong political will and government commitment are essential to success; This also applies to the involvement of a wide range of stakeholders, including the private sector, which, in the case of SVLK, supported the process by selling certified wood products.

There is a need to create an environment conducive to open and honest communication among stakeholders; this served as the basis for the development of the SVLK`s regulatory framework, which regulates the implementation of the system. One of the motivating factors of those involved in the development of the programme was to improve Indonesia`s international position; The aim was to eliminate the long-standing perception that Indonesia was full of « illegal loggers » and regain the international community`s confidence in its timber industry and exports. Throughout development and implementation, high-quality human resources, strong international cooperation and financial support from the state and external donors have contributed to the overall success. The Ministry of Environment oversees the timber industry and the SVLK system and has overhauled the certification system to make requirements less onerous for exporters, in response to pressure from HIKMI and others. However, this revision does not call for the elimination of v-legal licenses, Syahrul said. www.flegtlicence.org/in/svlk-indonesia-s-timber-legality-assurance-system; eeas.europa.eu/delegations/indonesia/14827/indonesia-begins-issuing-flegt-licensing-scheme-for-verified-legal-timber-products_en www.flegtimm.eu/index.php/64-resources/newsletters/no-1-winter-2017-18/20-global-coverage-vpa-processes-underway-in-15-countries www.illegallogging.com.au/assets/factsheet-06.pdf www.cifor.org/publications/pdf_files/WPapers/WP164Obidzinski.pdf www.mfp.or.id/index.php/en/activity/timber-legality-2/90-legalitas-kayu In order to obtain the « V-Legal » documents and SVLK certification, Warisan is audited and audited annually by a conformity assessment body (CAB) for the legality of procedures and processes. Each log purchased is numbered and must contain documents about its origin, and the results of its cutting are also recorded and numbered so that there are no hidden practices of adding illegally purchased wood. At the same time, every plantation and forest concession is audited and inspected to ensure that all timber is harvested in sustainable conditions.

« Even if you want to export timber to countries like India that don`t require certification, you should still have v-legal documents, » Syahrul said. « That`s the strength of the SVLK system. We cannot say that the system has really stopped the illegal timber trade, but it has slowed it down. Herman, the pulp industry representative, agreed that there are « many steps we need to monitor » to ensure there are no gaps along the supply chain where illegal timber could enter the system.

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