4 décembre 2022

Upstox Legal Name

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The content and information contained on our website or made available to you in connection with your use of our website is the property of RKSV and other third parties (if any). The trademarks, trade names and logos (the « Marks ») used and displayed on our website include registered and unregistered trademarks of us and other third parties. Nothing on our website should be construed as granting any license or right to use any trademarks displayed on our website. We reserve all proprietary rights in our website. Users are prohibited from using them without RKSV`s written permission from these or other parties. The material on this website is protected by copyright and no part of this material may be modified, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted (in any form or by any means), copied, distributed, used to create derivative works from, or otherwise used for any commercial or public purpose without the prior written consent of RKSV. The official name of {{ ::p rofile[`Start name`] }} is {{ ::p rofile[`Additional startup name`] | titleCase }}. You may not use the APIs or accept the Terms if (a) you are not of legal age to enter into a binding contract with RKSV, or (b) you are a person prohibited from using or receiving the APIs under the applicable laws of India or any other country, including the country in which you reside or from which you use the APIs. The Indian Premier League (IPL GC) Board has appointed Upstox, one of India`s largest and fastest growing digital brokerage firms, as its Official Partner for the 2021 season, which begins on April 9.

This is a multi-year collaboration. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless RKSV and all of its affiliates and their parents, members, subsidiaries, affiliates, service providers, syndicators, distributors, licensors, officers, directors and employees from and against any and all liabilities, damages, losses, costs, fees (including attorneys` fees) and expenses related to allegations or legal proceedings of any third party to the extent that they resulting from: RKSV disclaims any obligation to update, correct or correct any information/content contained in any of the sections of the Website under www.upstox.com (hereinafter referred to as the Website), whether arising from financial, commercial or other developments. The information contained in one or all sections of this website is regularly updated by RKSV and uploaded on a specific date, which may not be the current/most recent date. Therefore, this information may not represent an accurate representation of actual filings, press releases, earnings announcements, finances, industry news, stock prices, etc. Subsidiaries and Affiliates: RKSV has subsidiaries and affiliated legal entities throughout India. These companies may provide the APIs to you on behalf of RKSV, and the Terms also govern your relationship with these companies. In 2009, the founders decided to create RKSV Securities to provide a simpler trading platform and low-cost brokerage. Our goal is to make state-of-the-art trading software accessible to all citizens of India, so that trading and investing in stock markets is possible for everyone. In 2016, we changed our brand name to Upstox.

SEBI registration number INZ000185137. The Upstox brand name and logo are registered trademarks of RKSV Securities India Pvt. Ltd. Founded with the vision of making financial investing easy, fair and affordable for all Indian investors, Upstox provides online investments in stocks, mutual funds, digital gold, derivatives and ETFs for investors and traders. Backed by major investors such as Tiger Global, Upstox currently has over 2.8 million customers. {{ !isEmpty(profile. Previous.city) ? Profile. Previous.city: «  » }} · {{ !isEmpty(profile. Previous.founded_date)? (Profile. Previous.founded_date | Date : `y`) : «  » }} Kavitha has been co-founder of Upstox since October 2016. She is responsible for Upstox`s growth, strategy, finance and customer experience at Upstox. Kavitha holds a B.Tech and M.Tech in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology in Mumbai and an MBA from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

Prior to joining Upstox, Kavitha worked as an Associate Director at Leapfrog Investments and as an Investment Director at Actis Investments. She has also worked for McKinsey and Co. as a business analyst and for SKS Microfinance as Assistant Vice President of Business Development. RKSV may restrict your use of APIs (e.g., limiting the number of requests sent to a particular API) manually or through automated checks to ensure API stability. If you need to use the APIs beyond the limits imposed by RKSV, you must obtain RKSV`s express consent by writing to the relevant service (RKSV may refuse or accept such request due to various factors).

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