12 novembre 2022

Legal Softball

Posted by under: Non classé .

The NFCA Legal Counsel will provide legal services in a variety of ways and can be contacted by email, office phone or mobile phone to make an appointment. Please identify yourself as an NFCA member when calling or writing. Legal counsel understands that coaches are often faced with urgent situations – if your problem or question is urgent, mention it in your call or email and they will get back to you promptly. Confidentiality and solicitor-client privilege are strictly respected. (To contact legal counsel, you must register as a member and click on the Contact link in Legal Services.) Open office hours are held at the NFCA National Convention. If litigation has commenced or is advised in that state or county, the NFCA legal counsel will assist in finding a local legal counsel and will continue to serve as a source of support and advice for that coach.

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