12 novembre 2022

Legal Services Brockton Ma

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In addition to regional legal aid organizations, MLAC funds legal aid organizations that specialize in a particular issue or type of law, including education, immigration, prisoners` rights, disability, consumer law, etc. Provides free legal advice to asylum seekers and promotes the rights of detained immigrants. MLAC does not provide legal advice or representation. If you need help with a legal problem in Massachusetts, there are several ways to find it. Below is information about: Greater Boston Legal Services does not discriminate against individuals who use the Services on the basis of race, ethnicity, color, sex, age, religion, country of origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, ability, marital status, veteran status, or any other legally protected status. Massachusetts Legal Answers Online is a free service that allows you to ask a question to a pro bono lawyer on the Internet. This is a good option if you have one or two legal questions. Find other forms of help such as shelter, food resources, family support and other services. At Greater Boston Legal Services (GBLS), our team of 69 lawyers and 17 paralegals provides free civil (non-criminal) legal aid to low-income individuals and families in and around Boston. You may be eligible for civil legal aid if your annual income is 125% or less of the federal poverty line.

In Massachusetts, that`s currently $34,688 a year for a family of four. There are different criteria for seniors and victims of crime. The mission of Veterans Legal Services is to promote the independence, stability and financial security of homeless and low-income Veterans through free and accessible legal services. Boston-based law firm Nutter has joined SCCLS` pro bono panel in response to the COVID-19 eviction crisis in Massachusetts. As part of the COVID Eviction Legal Help Project, Nutter has donated hundreds of hours of pro bono legal representation to this project and continues to work with SCCLS clients to keep families in their homes. Visit MassLegalHelp for legal information and self-help materials. Provides free legal advice to victims of sexual assault on legal issues related to privacy, security, housing, education, employment, immigration, LGBTQ issues, criminal justice and financial stability. MassLegalHelp`s COVID-19 zone provides comprehensive information about your legal rights in areas such as housing, benefits, discrimination, healthcare, and more.

For more information and assistance, please contact the legal aid organizations listed below. Massachusetts Legal Resource Finder provides recommendations for free, low-cost programs in legal aid organizations, nonprofits, courts, and self-help documents. For more information about these MLAC-funded legal aid organizations, as well as other nonprofits, government agencies, and court programs that might be able to help you with your legal problem, visit the Legal Resource Finder. Each week, Greater Boston Legal Services (GBLS) provides free legal assistance and representation in civil (non-criminal) matters to hundreds of some of the neediest residents of the City of Boston and 31 surrounding towns and villages. MLAC funds organizations that help people solve civil (not criminal) legal problems. If you need help with a criminal matter, contact the Public Legal Services Committee at 617-482-6212. These sites are a collaboration of the Massachusetts civil legal aid community and are funded by MLAC. MassLegalHelp is served by lawyers at the Massachusetts Law Reform Institute; Mass Legal Answers Online is administered by MLRI with assistance from the Boston Bar Association`s Volunteer Lawyers Project and is part of the American Bar Association`s national Free Legal Answers project. Use the Massachusetts Legal Resource Finder to find legal help.

Volunteer lawyers, paralegals and law students, led by staff lawyers, strive to give residents of the Greater Boston Area equal access to representation. Free Legal Representation for Low-Income People advocates for children, students, and youth who face significant barriers due to their economic status, disability, race, ethnicity/culture, immigration status, language, and/or traumatic life experiences. Boston Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service (617) 742-0625 Toll Free: (800) 552-7046. Volunteer Lawyers Project (617) 423-0648 TTY: (617) 338-6790. Massachusetts Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service (617) 654-0400 Toll Free: (866) MASS-LRS ((866) 627-7577) TTY: (617) 338-0585. National Lawyers` Guild, Massachusetts Chapter, Lawyer Referral Service (617) 227-7008 Middlesex County Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service (781) 939-2797 Protects the health and civil rights of Massachusetts inmates. Volunteer lawyers and others are an integral part of the SCCLS community. Greater Boston Legal Services (617) 371-1234 Toll Free: (800) 323-3205 TTY: (617) 371-1228. MetroWest Legal Services (508) 620-1830 Toll Free: (800) 696-1501 Find a community, information session or workshop near you, or join virtually.

The Massachusetts Protection and Advocacy Agency, DLC, protects the rights of people with disabilities. South Coastal Counties Legal Services is committed to bringing justice to low-income residents of southeastern Massachusetts, Cape Cod and the islands. We are committed to ensuring that people in economic difficulty help protect their homes, families, health, livelihoods and rights. National experts on a variety of consumer law issues including: student loans, debt collection, civil protection, mortgages, consumer protection, etc. Southeastern part of the state: Bristol County and south coast to Cape Cod and the islands. Boston-based national organization that provides expertise on education-related cases. Every week, there are hundreds of people we can`t help because of lack of resources. MassLegalServices.org – Information on specific types of rights by category. National Labour Law Project – Resources to Support Workers During the Pandemic Office of the Attorney General – Workers` Rights, Fraud Protection and Various Other Resources Read their stories and how GBLS is making a difference. Community Legal Aid Hampden County: (413) 781-7814 / Toll Free: (855) 252-5342 Hampshire County and Franklin County: (413) 584-4034 / Toll Free: (855) 252-5342 Berkshire County: (413) 499-1950 / Toll Free: (855) 252-5342 Advocates for youth throughout Massachusetts, but especially on the North Shore. South Coastal Counties Legal Services Brockton: (508) 586-2110 Fall River: (508) 676-6265 Hyannis: (508) 775-7020 Northeast Legal Aid (978) 458-1465 Toll Free: (800) 336-2262 Is committed to upholding and expanding the rights of people with disabilities and others living in remote environments.

Harvard Legal Aid Office (617) 495-4408. Provides national advocacy and leadership in promoting laws, policies and practices that ensure economic, racial and social justice for low-income individuals and communities. Harvard University Small Claims Advisory Service (Student Program) (617) 497-5690 With nowhere else to go, low-income families and individuals, seniors and people with disabilities turn to GBLS for help with life`s most basic needs. Our work would not be possible without the generous support of the following organizations, foundations and municipalities. Community Legal Aid (855) 255-5342 Toll Free: (800) 649-3718 TTY: (508) 755-3260. North Shore, Merrimack Valley and other parts of Essex and northern Middlesex. Please call 800-244-9023 to complete an application and make an appointment. Harvard Law School Legal Services Center (617) 522-3003 TTY: (617) 522-3575 Thank you to the following Nutter lawyers for accepting pro bono cases: Court website – updates on courts and urgent orders.

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