10 novembre 2022
Legal Profession Act Rsa 2000 C L-8
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As a self-governing profession, Alberta lawyers are expected to conduct themselves and their law firms in a highly ethical and impeccable manner. The Code of Professional Conduct sets out the principles and high standards that apply to all lawyers in Alberta. The rules set out the regulations, responsibilities and professional standards that all lawyers must and adhere to. The various sections of the rules cover the following key areas: The Legal Profession Act (the Act) is a provincial statute enacted to make the Law Society of Alberta the body responsible for regulating more than 9,000 active (practising and non-practicing) lawyers in Alberta. In accordance with the law, the Law Society pursues its mission to serve the public interest by regulating the professional conduct of its members, overseeing the admission of newly trained lawyers, and preventing the unauthorized practice of law. Similar legislation applies in all other provinces and territories in Canada. The policy statement refers to retroactive and forward-looking changes and provides a standard implementation date for all changes approved by the advisor at the time of approval, unless the advisors clearly indicate otherwise. For internal policies, the amended document must contain a clear implementation date. Any retroactive request shall be approved by the Executive Director or the Deputy Executive Director and justified by a retroactive request. Take a look at the policy statement.
The Law Society of Alberta is an independent regulatory body for all practising lawyers in Alberta and has been regulating lawyers since 1907. The Law Society of Alberta derives its authority from the Legal Profession Act of Alberta and is funded and maintained by Alberta lawyers at no cost to the public. In the public interest, the Law Society of Alberta sets standards in its rules and code of conduct. If you have any questions, please contact the Practice Advisors.
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