9 novembre 2022
Legal Location
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However, for security reasons, your iPhone`s location information may be used when an emergency call is made to support response efforts, whether or not you turn on Location Services. When you create a website, app, or laptop that uses location data, it`s easy to ensure responsible development and regulatory compliance from the get-go. In this article, you`ll learn how to create a healthy workflow for development with location data using best practice frameworks, providing users with privacy-friendly options, coding according to development guidelines, and working within the law. By following these tips, you can create a responsible, legally compliant development process. If you allow third-party apps or websites to use your current location, you are subject to their terms and privacy policies and practices. You should review the terms, privacy policies, and practices of those apps and websites to understand how they use your location and other information. To use such features, you need to enable location services on your iPhone and allow each app or website before you can use your location data. Apps may request limited access to your location data (only if you use the app or approximate location) or full access (even if you don`t use the app or the exact location). Whichever framework you choose, one of them will give you a consistent work plan and a set of checklists to follow when your location data projects. You can prevent certain areas from being read by an app`s location data or give the user the option to block them.
For example, in a recording app, a user`s home and school locations should always be set to private by default. In summary, you can succeed in location-based projects as follows: You can turn off location services at any time. To do this, go to Settings > Privacy & Security > Location Services and tap to turn off global location services or turn off the individual location switch for each app or location-based feature by setting it to Never. To turn off location services for all websites, set the Location Services setting for Safari websites to Never. You can also disable location-based system services by tapping System Services and then tapping to disable each location-based system service. The owner`s interest is a property right that is entitled to protection against invasion, and title is a legal asset. The rights of the owner are subject to the state police authority, as well as the rules of the cemetery and any restrictions of the purchase contract. Here`s another example of providing options for location data in user settings: The app on the left allows me to turn location services on or off in Settings. The app on the right requires location data to be enabled by default. The latter app always demonstrates good privacy practices by letting me know their location data requirements before installing the app, and it gives me the option to cancel the installation if I don`t agree.
The Chinese experience shows that it`s important to carefully consider the data your apps share with third parties, including location data, even if your customer doesn`t use any of that data themselves. Industry self-regulation is a partial attempt to fill the void created by the absence of legislation. The Federal Trade Commission`s Behavioral Advertising Principles (PDF, 411 KB) suggest that app developers should obtain consent before using location data. This is, of course, best practice, not legislation. When Location Services is enabled, your iPhone regularly sends location-based locations of nearby Wi-Fi hotspots and cell towers (if supported by a device) to Apple in anonymous, encrypted form to expand this crowdsourced database of Wi-Fi hotspots and cell tower locations. The process of ensuring proper protection of site data begins before you start coding. The best way to do this is to use a workflow known as Privacy by Design (PbD). PbD is an approach to web development that considers privacy from the outset in all aspects of a project, rather than screwing it into « parameters » at the end. The Principles on Location Data in the Framework (PDF, 1 MB) are a great place to start. In addition, the EU data protection reform, due to come into force in 2018, will include PbD requirements as part of the law – so there`s no better time than now to start integrating PbD into your workflow. Location services allow Apple and third-party apps and websites to collect and use information based on the current location of your iPhone or Apple Watch in order to provide various location-based services.
For example, an app can use your location data and location search query to help you find nearby coffee shops or theaters, or your device can automatically set its time zone based on your current location. In Europe, location data is governed by a 2002 law called the Electronic Communications Data Protection Directive. This law has been transposed into national law in all EU Member States. Recently, several hundred iOS apps were removed from the App Store after security researchers discovered that the apps had secretly uploaded users` private data to a mobile ad provider in China. Critically, the developers of the affected applications knew nothing about the breach and did not have access to the skimmed data. All they had done was use the ad network in question to place ads in the apps. The information collected by the ad network could easily be combined with any location data used in the apps or even on the mobile devices themselves. Limit how long a user`s location history is saved and give them the ability to delete individual location records or all records at any time. Your Apple Watch might be using the location of your paired iPhone when it`s nearby. Apple`s guidelines for developers of location-based apps suggest that « with few exceptions, it should be avoided to launch location services immediately at launch or before such services can reasonably be used. Otherwise, you could raise questions in the user`s mind about how your app uses location data.
Making enabling location data dependent on other actions instead of continuing it from startup is an easy way to give users control over their data. In addition, Apple`s WWDC 2015 App Privacy Seminar explicitly mentions the use of location data as a legal risk for developers and suggests using randomly generated UUIDs as protection. Location Services uses GPS and Bluetooth (where available) as well as outsourced Wi-Fi access points and cell tower locations to determine the approximate location of your device. Once you`ve chosen a project framework and are contractually protected, there are many ways to make your location-based app more privacy-sensitive. Location data specialists Richard Ferraro and Murat Aktihanoglu (PDF, 1.17 MB) offer five options. A location-based service (LBS) is defined as a service where your LBS and tag-based marketing projects must include a privacy policy in the app, on the client`s website, and also on your own website. This privacy policy must describe in detail what happens to location data, how this data is exchanged between the content provider, the mobile operator and third parties such as advertising networks, and how the user can withdraw consent to the use of their data. The privacy policy should be written in clear and plain language and include contact information that users can use to express concerns. A sample privacy policy, along with many other helpful resources, can be found on the Mobile Manufacturing Association website.
Google also provides separate rules to protect location data from wearables. Participatory location data collected by Apple does not identify you personally. Misuse of location data, whether intentional or unintentional, can have serious legal consequences for you and your customer. To protect yourself, the use, processing and retention of location data should be addressed in your project contracts. You and your customer need to clarify how location data is used, where it is stored, and which third parties have access to it (more on that later).
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