7 novembre 2022

Legal Form of Deed of Donation

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Another case where you want to use a deed of gift is a donation to a non-profit or charity. For example, you can use a gift certificate when you give money or donate a car, artwork, or other personal item. A deed of gift transfers the property from the owner (the « donor ») to another person (the « donee ») by gift. The deed of gift is usually signed for the love, gratuitousness and affection of the donor for the recipient (for example, from a parent to a child). Various elements are essential for a deed of gift; Others may be specific to the repository to which the documents will be given. The typical deed of gift identifies the donor, describes the material, transfers legal ownership of the material to the repository, establishes the conditions of use, establishes ownership of intellectual property rights, and indicates the disposition of unwanted materials. If you have questions about the language of the deed of gift, ask the archivist, curator or your lawyer for an explanation. The highest customer reviews on one of the most trusted product review platforms. Discover a faster way to fill out and sign forms on the web. Access the largest library of templates available.

In this section, the donor formally agrees to transfer legal ownership and physical custody of the material, including future donations, to the deposit. The document indicates a point in time when materials become the legal property of the repository (usually when the deed is signed or when the materials are physically transferred to the repository). The depot manages and maintains them according to recognized professional standards, its mission and objectives. Use out-of-the-box professional templates to fill out and sign documents online faster. Access thousands of forms. It is important to sign the deed of gift once you and the archivist or curator have discussed and agreed on the terms. Only a few deposits accept a collection without a signed deed of donation. If necessary, the deed of gift can be amended if both parties agree. Amendments must be signed and dated by the donor and the deposit`s representative. That the RECEIVER hereby accept and receive this gift, which the DONOR has made on his behalf, and hereby express his gratitude for his generosity. The donation can be simple and direct without conditions.

However, the donor may also impose conditions on the donation that the recipient must comply with at the risk of revocation of the gift. For example, the donor may request that the recipient take care of the donor for a period of time. If the material you donate contains student records, financial records, medical records, or legal acts relating to third parties (anyone other than you, your immediate ancestors, or your organization), federal or state privacy laws may apply. If you know such records exist, bring them to the attention of the archivist or curator. You can ask the archivist or curator to discuss with you any records that the repository discovers during cataloguing. In certain circumstances, it may be possible for a donor to claim a tax deduction for donating a collection to a deposit. Talk to your tax advisor or lawyer about this possibility. Archivists cannot provide tax advice or estimate the monetary value of a collection being donated to their deposit. The archivist may be able to provide you with a list of local manuscript reviewers who can provide monetary appraisals (for a fee).

It is up to you, as the donor, to organize and pay for such an evaluation. The deed of gift confirms a legal relationship between the donor and the deposit, which is based on a clear and common understanding. This relationship ensures that donated materials that help shed light on our past and its impact on us are preserved and made available to future generations. To create your donation certificate, you will need the following minimum information: When you sign the donation agreement, you transfer legal ownership of the physical and/or digital material you donate. Ownership of intellectual property rights (mainly copyrights, but also trademarks and patent rights) can also be legally transferred through the deed of gift. Copyright usually belongs to the creator of fonts or other original documents such as photos or music. Donors are encouraged to transfer all rights they hold to documents donated to deposit. This supports researchers in their research by facilitating the citation or publication of papers. If you wish to retain some or all of the intellectual property rights you hold, you may include such a provision in the deed of gift, but you and the archivist or curator must agree on a date on which all rights to the deposit will be transferred. A separate license for digital content, which is different from copyright ownership, can help a repository manage the preservation and use of that content. You cannot transfer ownership of other people`s works, such as letters written to you by others and included in documents you give. Click the « Start Here » button at the top of this page to start creating your document.

Answer a series of questions to create your document, then upload it in Word format. Click on this icon for useful information on the issue. Following the transfer of ownership, repository staff will review the records and may determine that there is a reason to reformat some or all of these documents. For example, the long-term preservation of fragile documents is a major reason for microfilming, digitizing, creating multiple digital versions or copying documents for researchers. The repository may also publicly display digital versions on its website, to the extent permitted by copyright. Unless otherwise stated in the Gift Agreement, you agree that staff may make reformatting and posting decisions when transferring legal ownership of your documents to the repository.

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