6 novembre 2022
Legal Definition of Short-Term Memory
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This experiment clearly shows how quickly information escapes from short-term memory. In an ancient and highly influential paper, The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two,[23] psychologist George Miller suggested that short-term human memory has a memory duration before about seven elements plus or minus two, and that this was known at the time (this seems to date back to the 19th century Wundt researcher). Recent research has shown that this « magic number seven » is pretty much accurate for students who remember lists of numbers, but the shelf life varies greatly depending on the populations tested and the material used. Selective attention, on the other hand, refers to functions that modulate the processing of sensory events during encoding. We review the evidence from a series of three tactile memory experiments using electroencephalography and discuss our observations in the context of research on tactile perceptual attention and visual TMS. Striking similarities between the domains of STM and perception suggest that the central executive system of tactile STM relies on control mechanisms that allow attention to be selected during somatosensory coding. Our results support the idea that TMS occurs when attention is focused on representing sensory signals stored in modality-specific brain areas. Memory distortion in Alzheimer`s disease is a very common condition in the elderly. The performance of patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer`s disease was compared to the performance of healthy age-appropriate adults. [37] The researchers concluded the study with results showing a reduction in short-term memory recovery in patients with Alzheimer`s disease. Episodic memory and semantic abilities deteriorate in the early stages of Alzheimer`s disease. Since the cognitive system includes interconnected and reciprocally influenced neural networks, one study hypothesized that stimulating lexico-semantic abilities could benefit semantically structured episodic memory. [38] They found that lexico-semantic stimulation treatment can improve episodic memory in patients with Alzheimer`s disease.
It could also be considered a clinical option to counter the cognitive decline typical of the disease. Typically, short-term memory disappears from the mind within seconds. In neurodegenerative diseases such as dementia, the decline in TMS is usually progressive and affects different domains and therefore different memory systems. On the other hand, with mild cognitive impairment, memory loss may remain unchanged, worsen or improve. In about 30% of brain aneurysms, the STM/MTL problems disappear over time, although recovery can take weeks. In most cases (for example, psychogenic amnesia), memories can be restored, for example, by psychological interventions (recovery of undeleted files); However, if the amnesia has lasted for a long time, for example months or years, recovery is not possible (deleted files) and the subject projects into a new life (the joint state). Chai WJ, Abd Hamid AI, Abdullah JM. Working memory from a psychological and neuroscientific point of view: a review.
Psychol Front 2018;9:401. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00401 In most cases, managing issues related to changes at the STM requires an interprofessional approach. The goal is to design a patient-centered treatment involving multiple healthcare professionals. Many clinical conditions associated with memory impairment have highly complex clinical images that require a nursing response aimed at improving multiple outcomes, including cognition, function, mood and therefore quality of life. The team should be composed of professional personalities capable of: 1) conducting a thorough neuropsychological assessment; 2) gather information for various diagnoses; 3) Choose the appropriate strategy (behavioural/non-behavioural); 4) Manage communications to improve patient adherence and adherence; (5) patient and family support; 6) use the most appropriate psychological strategy (p. e.g., cognitive behavioural therapy in the group) 6) conduct behavioural programs focused on wellness education (e.g., sleep hygiene); 7) managing pharmacological approaches; 8) developing physical activity programs; 9) Evaluate results. How exactly does it work? There are different ways to link short-term memory to long-term memory, but the exact mechanisms of how this happens remain controversial and poorly understood.
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