5 novembre 2022

Legal Definition of Jettisons

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This definition of Jettison is based on The Cyclopedic Law Dictionary. This entry needs to be proofread. Search the Legal Abbreviations and Acronyms Dictionary for acronyms and/or abbreviations that contain Jettison. 05 2013. 10 2022 Asian Law, « Jettison » (legaldictionary.lawin.org 2013) joined 2022 on October 27 (2013, 05). Jettison legaldictionary.lawin.org Retrieved January 10, 2022 from legaldictionary.lawin.org/jettison/ The other companies that threw out Deen were more interested in their image than the bottom line. What motivated you to look it up in this dictionary? Please let us know where you read it (including the quote, if possible). « We will throw overboard the cargo that turns out to be embarrassing, » advised this astute man. This article on Jettison was published under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 (CC BY 3.0) license, which allows unrestricted use and reproduction provided that the authors of the Jettison entry and the Lawi platform are credited as the source of the Jettison entry. Please note that this CC BY license applies to certain Jettison textual content and that certain images and other textual or non-textual elements may be covered by special copyright regulations. Instructions on how to cite Jettison (including attribution under the CC BY license) can be found below in our « Cite this entry » recommendation.

He unfastened his seat belt and tripped towards the Jettison container, holding one hand over his mouth. Search or search Jettison in the American Encyclopedia of Law, Asian Encyclopedia of Law, European Encyclopedia of Law, UK Encyclopedia of Law, or Latin American and Spanish Encyclopedia of Law. But they also left us with a founding racism that we could hardly throw overboard. You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Jettison comes from the Anglo-French geteson, which literally means « action to throw » and is related to the Latin verb jactare, which means « to throw. » The noun Jettison refers to a voluntary sacrifice of cargo to facilitate the cargo of a ship in case of need, and is the source of the word jetsam (the name of the goods « dropped »); The word is often associated with flotsam (« floating wreck »). Nowadays, you don`t need to be on a sinking ship to « throw away » something: the verb also simply means « to get rid of ». Your email address will not be published. Mandatory fields marked with * This will throw overboard the reactionary messages that alienated so many persuasive voters in 2012. You might be interested in the historical significance of this term. Browse or search Jettison in Historical Law in the Encyclopedia of Law.

And if the waves became too strong for her, we had to throw the upper levels of the cotton bales overboard. Throw your lawyers overboard as a source of advice in the prison yard, Abramoff said. Throwing some of the cargo overboard of a ship, in case of extreme danger, in order to lighten the ship. The same name is also given to the thing or things that are thus expelled. Grau v. Wain, 2 Serg. (Pa.) 254, 7 hours. Dec. 042; Butler v. Wildman, 3 barn.

and Help. 320; Baruard v. Adams, 10 Wie. 303, 13 L. ed. 417. A waterborne carrier may, in case of extreme danger to the safety of the ship or cargo, throw overboard or otherwise sacrifice all or part of the cargo or accessories of the ship. Throwing goods overboard for this purpose is called a « fall, » and the resulting loss is called an overall average loss. Civil Code Cal. You could drink a fifth, throw the bottle through the trash and be sober before you are needed again. There is still no reason to throw our cargo overboard, no matter how useless.

He also doesn`t think it will force the company to lay off full-time employees.

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