24 octobre 2022

Is It Legal to Ask for Proof of Vaccination in Texas

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SB 968 was written by Sen. Lois Kolkhorst, R-Brenham, who, like many of her Republican colleagues, opposed the idea of vaccine passports, as such proof of vaccination is often called. In Texas, where 59 percent of the population is fully vaccinated, Gov. Greg Abbott issued an executive order in October stating that no employer could force the vaccination of anyone who objected to it for reasons of conscience. This exemption effectively ensures that no worker can be subject to broad vaccination mandates, according to labor lawyers. Yes, your employer may require proof of vaccination before you can return to work. Of course, all of your employer`s requests must be job-related and in line with the company`s needs. Your employer may not require your private genetic information as part of the evidence. First, if your employer voluntarily offers vaccination to its employees.

If vaccination is voluntary, the ADA requires that the employee`s decision to answer questions prior to testing also be voluntary. If an employee chooses not to answer these questions, the employer may refuse to administer the vaccine, but may not retaliate, intimidate or threaten if the employer refuses to answer the questions. He added that Abbott`s order would likely be challenged as exceeding the governor`s powers or anticipated by federal vaccination requirements once they go into effect. In general, yes. Employers may implement a mandatory vaccination policy as long as the policy is related to the workplace, is consistent with the needs of the business, and provides exceptions based on an employee`s covered disability or an employee`s sincere religious beliefs. Employers are not required to consider secular or medical beliefs about vaccines. For more information about mandatory vaccination guidelines, see Section K of the EEOC ADA and vaccination guidelines. Disney suspended its vaccination mandate for employees at its Florida theme park in November after the state outlawed sweeping vaccination rules. More than 95 percent of the park`s artists are vaccinated, a spokeswoman said. The Related Companies, a real estate company that mandated vaccination for all employees in April, no longer requires them from employees in Florida or other states that prohibit large-scale vaccination mandates. The CDC recommends that health care providers ask certain questions before administering the vaccine to ensure that there is no medical reason that would prevent a person from receiving the vaccine.

These screening questions, if asked by the employer, are likely to produce « disability-related » information according to the ADA. In fact, the ADA has restrictions on when and how much medical information an employer can receive from a candidate or employee. Orman is asking for his customers to be vaccinated for indoor dining — and will notify them when they request reservations — but he stops asking for evidence because of state law. Orman informed his staff last spring that they must be fully vaccinated, with booster shots, unless there is a medical or religious exemption. He said he was frustrated that he could not promise them that the people they served would be held to the same standards. EO-40 also goes beyond the protection provided by the ADA by including « previous recovery from COVID-19 » as an allowable basis for a medical objection. Employees applying for medical exemptions from a vaccine under the ADA must have an « ADA-eligible disability, » but EO-40 does not provide for such a restriction. It could therefore be interpreted to mean that anyone already diagnosed and recovered from COVID-19 can object to vaccination. Under federal law, employees can be exempt from vaccination for up to 90 days after recovery from the virus, but are then subject to mandatory vaccination. The medical justification for this objection contradicts CDC guidelines on the subject.

The details and effective date of OSHA`s ETS are still being worked out between the agency and the White House, so there is no conflict between OSHA`s rules and the Texas order yet. OSHA`s existing COVID-19 ETS for healthcare employers does not require vaccination. The ADA prohibits insured employers from discriminating against people with disabilities across the spectrum of employment-related activities. A mandatory vaccination policy may include ADA provisions that include restrictions on when and how much medical information an employer can receive from a candidate or employee. According to the ADA, employers are allowed to have a « qualification standard » that « includes the requirement that an individual must not pose a direct threat to the health or safety of individuals in the workplace. » Because mandatory vaccination can eliminate a person with a disability, the employer must demonstrate that an unvaccinated worker would pose a direct threat because « there is a significant risk of significant harm to the health or safety of the person or others that cannot be eliminated or reduced by reasonable precautions. » To date, the imposition of such fines, if any, has not been reported in Texas, and it is unclear to what extent, if any, EO-40 is enforced. However, employers can expect similar ordinances or laws to emerge in states where voters raise similar objections to vaccinations. Here, too, employers should pay attention to similar developments in other countries. Del Villar noted that the Texas ordinance creates ambiguity by prohibiting companies from « forcing » someone to get vaccinated, rather than prohibiting companies from requiring vaccination as a condition of employment. Governor of Texas.

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