18 octobre 2022

Gerente De Legales Mercado Libre

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Colombian authorities are currently investigating Mercadolibre for these illegal activities. « All companies should look at how they can have a space for legal operations, » says Rodolfo Christophersen, head of legal at MercadoLibre. « When they start to see the benefits it brings, it makes perfect sense to have one. » Then you have a document management system. Have all this information, documents, emails, videos in one place. I have all this information in one place and I can find it very easily because OCR (optical character recognition) technology is applied. This should be shareable, in multinational companies it is common to have legal departments in several countries, but the information we manage is useful to all. It also recommends a legal fee management system that goes hand in hand with case management. The legal expense system is necessary to understand how my legal fees are changing day after day, month after month, and to know that I am not exceeding the budget I have. According to the lawyer, MercadoLibre has created two major breaks in the traditional dynamics of legal management. The first took place in 2017, when the « legal team, » as this office is identified within the company, decided to move the CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system, which was Salesforce at the time of its arrival. In addition to private services, users can sell and buy new and used products at a fixed or variable price. MercadoLibre also has a service called MercadoPago, a platform for collecting buyers and making payments and payments to sellers.

Although the head office is located in Argentina, the largest and most profitable operating markets are Brazil and Mexico, where they even operate with their own aircraft line. Founder and CEO Marcos Galperín moved to Montevideo, Uruguay in 2020 and settled permanently, from where he manages operations in Latin America. [3] Universities may prepare you for the world of litigation or law school, but clearly not for the corporate vision of a legal department. It`s quite complex, not to mention preparing you to think in this innovative way that focuses on the outcome, which would be more on the legal operations side. All legal departments should, of course, depending on the type of business you have, have a case management system. These systems, where judicial claims or out-of-court cases are recorded to allow them to track and trace, store documents and report external audits and legal contingencies. This will allow me to get a lot of data to do subsequent analyses related to these disputes or process management. At present, the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce has filed a statement of objections against Mercadolibre for being responsible for an injunction and inaction by allowing Mercadolibre to sell a rock cradle and gamble even though it had prohibited its sale. Mercadolibre continued to offer this article on its platform. You may also be interested in: Legal operations, the key to modernization Another system we should also think about is a contract management system, which not only allows us to understand what stage contracts are at, since they usually have quite complex lives and workflows. They start in the business lines, go to the legal department and sometimes go out. The most important thing is to understand the two keys to contracts: their duration, their lifespan and their ability to generate alternative functions.

The Superintendence of Industry and Commerce filed a statement of objections against Mercadolibre after finding that Mercadolibre had not adequately processed the personal data of a significant number of users. In Colombia, Mercadolibre was denounced for impeding competition, whereby Mercadolibre withdrew hundreds of Colombian companies from the market by withdrawing their cash, hiding their publications, unsubscribing from publications without justification and concluding exclusivity pacts to remove small and medium-sized enterprises from the market. The transparency report, published every six months, reports on the results on the basis of four lines of action: requests for information from the competent authorities of the different countries in which it operates, the response rate for publications that violate its general conditions, the protection of personal data and the safeguarding of intellectual property rights. Then, both can qualify to tell the rest of the user community what experiences they`ve had regarding their counterparty, product, and transaction. The rating system allows buyers to know the trajectory of sellers within the site. In February 2020, it was announced that Galperin would step down as CEO of the company`s Argentine subsidiary. [24] Stelleo Passos Tolda, who held the position of Chief Operating Officer of the company, was appointed as the new President of SA Argentina. [25] It was also announced that Pedro Arnt, who held the position of CFO of the company, would resign from his position as Vice President.

At the same time, the appointment of Osvaldo Giménez as Vice-President was announced. Until then, Giménez was executive vice president of MercadoPago. [26] [27] This is a major deficit that universities have experienced and need to improve in the future. This is the integration of technology for human resource management processes. How I manage to keep my team motivated, how I align my team with results and not just work. When you enter a company, you realize that for everything you need to manage and manage, and the most important thing about management, is to measure that management and then show that what was done was in line with what we had agreed, what was proposed as an objective, as an objective. Mercado Libre was the first Latin American company to adopt this practice of regularly publishing management indices that reflect its efforts to maintain a secure ecosystem, build trust and ensure a good user experience.

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