17 octobre 2022

Fundamento Legal De Las Retenciones En Las Facturas Por Honorarios

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HELLO! I have a question, I hope you can help me. I issued receipts for professional services and was paid all year ± no problem. I have personal deductions and in the annual statement, I have a balance for that, but they rejected it because my employer did not report or pay my deductions, so after the exam, it now turns out that I owe. © What can I do to check if the employer has committed a violation and pay for them to refund my credit in favour? Hi Guadalupe, yes. Public entities recognized in Article 25 of the Federal Civil Code are considered legal persons, so that under Article 113-J of the LISL, they must make deductions to natural persons located in RESICO. We are happy to offer you advice, you can reach us at +521442 675 8634 and by e-mail contacto@cayso.com.mx We are here to serve you. I received invoices from 2 lawyers and in both I do not see the corresponding deductions and claim that it does not specify any fees in the concept, but in the ISR article there are no nomenclatures or description of the service, it talks about the professional service provided and which requires a job title, So, is it fair to give me, without withholding your tax receipt? Thank you in advance for your answer and your time. My question is how to make a fee receipt I don`t have a job title and my job is to teach from a workshop to a school. Since I have to make the deductions, I hope your help! Therefore, legal persons are required to pay these deductions to natural persons who have provided services by the 17th of the following month, once the transaction is completed. This provision clearly applies to persons enrolled in the simplified escrow system and may reduce the withholding of corporations on monthly ISR payments considered for annual reporting purposes.

Hello, I am a natural person in resico, I do not have employees, I do not make invoices or certificates, when I make the monthly declaration, he always tells me that it can not be 0 the VAT withheld, so I do not understand what to put to help!!! ? Fees are charged for accounting consultations for 6000 plus taxes to another natural person Hello. Hello Susana, by obligation, they must be cancelled and invoices issued with the appropriate setting. We are happy to offer you advice, you can reach us at +521442 675 8634 and by e-mail contacto@cayso.com.mx We are here to serve you. Is a person who creates engineering or development plans considered a professional service? Should appropriate deductions be made? Hello, if I receive one part for payroll and another for expenses, do both deductions have to be indicated in the annual report or only the fees? I am registered for the company and professional activity regime©. I issue invoices to a legal entity, but they do not make deductions, that is, they pay me the agreed amount plus the corresponding VAT, they have to make deductions??? We will now turn to the records of deductions. A doubt, I received a reminder from the Minister of Education of the State, which I have to check with invoices that must come out in the name of the Sep, with this resource you pay a natural person a fee for the courses taught, the invoice she provides me is as follows: Very interesting information. But does this mean that I no longer need to collect invoices to reduce my VAT? Payroll receipts are documents that support the amount a business pays its employees for the services provided. While this may seem like payroll, it goes even further as it breaks down withholdings and tax deductions, many of which must be required by law. It`s common that when you comment on what you`re© doing in conversations or meetings, everyone starts to check out doubts or concerns.

My doubt is this: doctors do not have VAT collection, but in this case I have to withhold VAT? or simply SRI. Hello, I am a beneficiary « a non-profit board of directors » I am the whole SAT payroll deductions, I would like to know how this change affects the bills I receive from people who are only 2 cases, photocopier rental and printing of certificates and recognitions, in my case my doubt is whether I should simply ask them to break down the 1.25% of SRI in the calculation and So I fill this change? Thank you very much. Hello on a good day, Cervantes, your comments are very clear. To determine the monthly payment (fee), the basis I take (cumulative income actually received) in the example would be the amount of $10,000.00? The withholding tax file refers to a document that contains a record and control of the collections as well as the withholding taxes applied and payments made, including employees, persons who receive income from digital platforms. I am a natural person, and each month a legal person keeps 10% of the SRI, these deductions accumulate as well as income and deductions However, a company has just sent me an email asking for my invoice with VAT and SRI withholding, and only gives me this basis. If I am a professional and I am in the regime of activity and executive service for a fee, and I provide services to a company outside the country? How do I issue my fee vouchers? VAT only? Hello, My receipts arrive for similar expenses, they retain SRI, I am registered as a RIF, I invoice all my expenses, my confirmation of receipt of my tax return indicates 0% of SRI retained. It`s true? Hello Carlos, your case is similar to the one we describe in this note: www.cayso.com.mx/cursosenlinea/debo-cancelar-las-facturas-que-emiti-antes-de-cambiar-a-resico/, we invite you to take a look. We are happy to offer you advice. You can contact us at +521442 675 8634 and send an email contacto@cayso.com.mx We are here to serve you.

I am registered as a natural person with commercial and professional activities, I have made some invoices and they always come with the transferred taxes plus withholding tax SRI and VAT. I have the option to invoice according to a different concept, so there is no withholding tax and only transferred taxes are applied. How am I supposed to be© in this diet©? You are in this plan if you want professional services. A How should I be© in this diet©? You are in this plan if you provide professional services independently. If I am a© doctor, can I bill my patients in cash? No, the collection must be done electronically. A If I am a© doctor, can I bill my patients in cash? No, the collection must be done electronically, for example: credit or debit cards, electronic funds transfer or cheques. What deductions can© individuals claim from the professional services plan© (fees)? The expenses you can deduct are: Expenses that. What deductions can© individuals claim from the Professional Services Plan© (fees)? The expenses you can deduct are: Expenses necessary for the activity Investments strictly necessary for the activity IMSS fees paid Local tax on professional or professional activity Payment for the rental of premises or offices Light phone How© should I be in this plan©? You are in this plan if you want professional services.

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