11 octobre 2022

Definition Matter Solid Liquid Gas

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A « quantum nebula » of electrons and holes that circulate around each other and even wrap around each other like a liquid instead of existing as discrete pairs. [15] Matter is anything that has weight and occupies space, like you and me. Cars, trees, the food we eat and the air we breathe are all made of matter. The things that don`t matter are songs, feelings, and dreams. In a solid, the constituent particles (ions, atoms or molecules) are densely packed. The forces between the particles are so strong that the particles cannot move freely, but can only vibrate. As a result, a body has a stable and certain shape and volume. Solids can only change shape by an external force, for example when broken or cut. A supercritical fluid (SCF) is a gas whose temperature and pressure are above the critical temperature or .dem critical pressure.

In this state, the distinction between liquid and gas disappears. A supercritical liquid has the physical properties of a gas, but its high density in some cases confers solvent properties, leading to useful applications. For example, supercritical carbon dioxide is used to extract caffeine in the production of decaffeinated coffee. [3] When heat is extracted from a liquid, its particles slow down and begin to settle at a point in the substance. When the substance reaches a sufficiently cold temperature at a certain pressure, the freezing point, the liquid becomes a solid. Transition metal atoms often have magnetic moments due to the net spin of electrons that remain unpaired and do not form chemical bonds. In some solids, the magnetic moments are arranged on different atoms and can form a ferromagnet, an antiferromagnet or a ferrimagnet. Photonic matter is a phenomenon in which photons that interact with a gas can develop apparent mass and interact with each other, even forming photonic « molecules. » The source of mass is gas, which is massive. This contrasts with photons, which move in empty space, have no mass at rest, and cannot interact.

Similar to solids, liquids (most of which have a lower density than solids) are incredibly difficult to compress. Ionic liquids also exhibit microphasic separation. The anion and cation are not necessarily compatible and would mix otherwise, but the attraction of the electric charge prevents them from separating. Their anions and cations seem to diffuse in compartmentalized layers or micelles, rather than freely as in a uniform liquid. [8] Matter is composed of very small particles and these particles are so small that we cannot see them with the naked eye. Colored glass condensate is a type of matter that is theorized to exist in atomic nuclei that move near the speed of light. According to Einstein`s theory of relativity, a high-energy nucleus appears long or compressed along its direction of motion. As a result, the gluons in the nucleus appear to a stationary observer as a « gluonic wall » moving near the speed of light. At very high energies, the density of gluons in this wall increases sharply. Unlike the quark-gluon plasma produced by the collision of such walls, colored glass condensate describes the walls themselves and is an intrinsic property of particles that can only be observed under high-energy conditions such as those of the RHIC and perhaps also the Large Hadron Collider. Like a gas, plasma has no specific shape or volume. Unlike gases, plasmas are electrically conductive, generate magnetic fields and electric currents, and react strongly to electromagnetic forces.

Positively charged nuclei float in a « sea » of dissociated electrons in free motion, similar to how such charges exist in conductive metal, where this electron allows the « sea » of matter in the plasma state to conduct electricity. The three main forms of matter are called solids, liquids and gases. Matter is anything that takes up space and has weight. A solid keeps it in shape, a liquid takes the shape of its container, and a gas fills its container. In crystalline solids, the particles (atoms, molecules or ions) are packed in a repetitive and regularly ordered pattern. There are different crystal structures, and the same substance can have more than one structure (or solid phase). For example, iron has a body-centered cubic structure at temperatures below 912°C (1,674°F) and a surface-centered cubic structure between 912 and 1,394°C (2,541°F). Ice has fifteen known crystal structures, or fifteen solid phases, that exist at different temperatures and pressures.

[1] In the gas phase, Bose-Einstein condensate remained an unconfirmed theoretical prediction for many years. In 1995, the research groups of Eric Cornell and Carl Wieman of JILA at the University of Colorado at Boulder experimentally produced the first condensate of this type. A Bose-Einstein condensate is « colder » than a solid. This can happen when atoms have very similar (or equal) quantum levels, at temperatures very close to absolute zero, -273.15°C (-459.67°F). The common point between the three states of matter is that they are made up of tiny and small particles. They have a certain mass and can take up space. In these three states, there is a volume. In these three states, atoms have the force of attraction between them. A liquid is an almost incompressible liquid that adapts to the shape of its container, but maintains a (nearly) constant volume regardless of the pressure. The volume is determined when the temperature and pressure are constant. When a solid is heated above its melting point, it becomes liquid because the pressure is greater than the triple point of the substance.

Intermolecular (or interatomic or interionic) forces are still important, but molecules have enough energy to move relative to each other, and the structure is mobile. This means that the shape of a liquid is not determined, but is determined by its container. The volume is usually larger than that of the corresponding solid, the best known exception is water, H2O. The highest temperature at which a particular liquid can exist is its critical temperature. [2] There are four natural states of matter: solids, liquids, gases and plasma. The fifth state is that of artificial Bose-Einstein condensates. The gravitational singularity at the center of a black hole predicted by general relativity is not a phase of matter; It is not at all a material object (although the mass energy of matter contributed to its formation), but rather a property of space-time. Since space-time collapses there, the singularity should not be considered as a localized structure, but as an overall topological feature of space-time.

[16] It has been argued that elementary particles are fundamentally not material, but are localized properties of space-time. [17] In quantum gravity, singularities can actually mark transitions to a new phase of matter. [18] A plastic crystal is a molecular solid with a long-range position order, but with constituent molecules that retain the freedom of rotation; In an orientation glass, this degree of freedom is frozen in a disordered state deterred. Historically, the distinction is made on the basis of qualitative differences in characteristics. Solid-state matter retains a solid volume and shape, with the constituent particles (atoms, molecules or ions) being close to each other and fixed in place. The material in the liquid state retains a solid volume, but has a variable shape that adapts to its container. Its particles are always close to each other, but move freely. The material in the gaseous state has both a variable volume and a variable shape and adapts both to its container. Its particles are neither close to each other nor fixed. Matter in the plasma state has varying volume and shape and contains neutral atoms as well as a significant number of ions and electrons, both of which can move freely. There is a scientific law called the law of mass conservation that Antoine Lavoisier discovered in 1785. It says in its most compact form: matter is not produced or destroyed.

The total mass and energy of the universe are constant. The theory of matter encompasses the changing ideas and systems that have been used to describe and explain the material world. Much of the theory of matter was based on a theory of the elements. Apart from the three mentioned above, there are 2 other states of matter that we do not see in our daily lives. These are Plasma and Bose-Einstein condensate. There are four natural states of matter and one, which is artificial matter, occurs in four states: solids, liquids, gases, and plasma. Often, the state of matter of a substance can be altered by adding or removing thermal energy. For example, adding heat can melt ice into liquid water and convert water into steam. In a chain net liquid, the atoms appear to have an unstable arrangement, like a liquid, but are still consistent in the overall model, like a solid. In a normal solid, the atoms of matter align in a lattice pattern, so that the spin of an electron is the opposite of the spin of all the electrons that touch it. But in a string-threaded liquid, the atoms are arranged according to a pattern that requires some electrons to have neighbors with the same spin. This leads to strange properties and supports some unusual suggestions about the basic conditions of the universe itself.

Each of the five states of matter together forms all the « things » that are in the universe – everything that occupies space and has mass is matter. Scientists are constantly discovering new states of matter! In addition to the four main states of matter, other states include superfluid, Bose-Einstein condensate, fermionic condensate, Rydberg molecules, quantum Hall state, photonic matter, and droplets. At high densities but at relatively low temperatures, it is theorized that quarks form a quark liquid whose nature is currently unknown. It forms a pronounced color taste locking phase (CFL) at even higher densities. This phase is superconducting for the color charge. These phases can occur in neutron stars, but they are currently theoretical. In regular cold matter, quarks, fundamental particles of nuclear matter, are enclosed by the strong force in hadrons consisting of 2 to 4 quarks, such as protons and neutrons.

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