10 octobre 2022
Daca Legal Help
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Community Refugee and Immigration Services – www.crisohio.org/legal-services/ The state bar can help protect you from fraud. If you have been the victim of a dishonest lawyer, non-lawyer, immigration consultant, or document creator, the state bar can investigate when you file a complaint. If a supplier breaks the law, we can try to shut down their business and prevent others from becoming victims. Arkansas Immigrant Defense – aidarkansas.com/legal Connecticut Institute for Refugees and Immigrants – cirict.org/immigration-legal-services/ Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota – www.ilcm.org/immigration-help/cases-served/ Many organizations across the country offer DACA support. Please find this list below and contact them for assistance. If your status is not listed below, you can request additional resources and notifications through UWD`s DACA application fund HERE. * If no local partners are listed in your area, visit the Immi Legal Services search engine HERE or the Immigration Advocates Network Legal Services Directory HERE. These agencies will provide immigration legal services in specific geographic areas and prepare planning, intake and reporting processes to ensure that participating locations are aligned. The services offered vary by region depending on the provider. To find the designated agency that offers free legal services for your campus, choose your area: Alaska Immigration Justice Project – www.akijp.org/immigration-legal-assistance/ But be careful. Unfortunately, there are many dishonest people or companies that may try to take advantage of you. In some cases, they not only take your money, but can also hurt your immigration case. Sometimes these dishonest providers pretend to be lawyers or are immigration consultants who tell you they can give you legal advice if they can`t.
For more information, see the California Department of Social Services` National Immigration Legal Services Directory and List of Legal Service Providers. The state bar can connect you with services to help you find a trusted attorney or immigration consultant. We can also refer you to legal aid organizations that help immigrants. Northwest Immigrant Rights Project – www.nwirp.org/our-work/direct-legal-services/deferred-action-daca/ Equal Justice Center – www.equaljusticecenter.org/what/daca.html New Mexico Immigrant Law Center – www.nmilc.org/daca I need help accessing legal resources and/or paying my DACA renewal fee – how can UWD help me? Arizona Center For Empowerment through Living for Change in Arizona – www.empoweraz.org/renewmydaca DACA recipients can apply for an international travel authorization called « Early Parole » if they can prove they need to travel for educational, professional, or humanitarian reasons. It is important that you consult a lawyer before applying for early parole and travelling to discuss all risks, including COVID-19 restrictions. Additional information on early parole. Immigrant Legal Advocacy Project – ilapmaine.org/get-legal-help If you are an immigrant living in the United States, you may be interested in obtaining legal aid with your immigration status. Or you may be looking for information on how to become a citizen. Milwaukee Catholic Charities – risccmke.org/en/daca-renewal/ Whether you hire a lawyer or legal counsel, it`s important to know your rights and protect yourself. Services are funded by the California Department of Social Services (CDSS).
Funding for the project was initially provided through a one-time allocation of $7 million from the 2018 Finance Bill to cdss to implement direct immigration legal services programs on UHC campuses. Recurring funds have been allocated in the 2019-2020 budget. Cabrini Immigrant Services of NYC, Inc. - cis-nyc.org/immigration-legal-and-social-services/ Immigrant Rights & Education Network (SIREN) – www.sirenimmigrantrights.org/daca Mississippi Immigrants Rights Alliance – yourmira.org/what-we-do/the-legal-project/ If someone promises or provides legal services to immigrants, but you suspect them of misconduct or because they are not a licensed attorney, you must file a complaint with the state bar so that it can be subject to a inquiry. There is no fee to file a complaint, and you don`t need to be a U.S. citizen to file a complaint. The state bar does not apply for or prosecute your citizenship or immigration status. If you do not fall into one of the categories above: Below is a list of legal service providers you can contact: If you are a current EBCLC client (i.e.
that you have a pending application with us): Please contact your clerk; daca@ebclc.org; or (510) 548-4040 ext. 395. If you don`t have papers, we recommend getting a legal exam for DACA and other immigration options. If you have a criminal history, please consult a lawyer before filing an application. Legal Services for Immigrants – www.immigrantlegalservices.org/ If you are a student at UC Berkeley: Click here to make an appointment with an EBCLC attorney. CARECEN SF — carecensf.org/actions/protect-daca/ Current DACA Recipients: If your DACA expires within six months, renew your DACA now. If you are eligible for EBCLC services, contact EBCLC to renew your DACA.
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