9 octobre 2022
Community Legal Authority
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CELDF supports the Lincoln County Community Rights Volunteer Group and the Siletz River Ecosystem in advocating for a ban on air-sprayed pesticides. The pesticide industry wants to get rid of the law, arguing that a law designed by Oregon companies prohibits people from protecting health and the environment. But the community is building a historical defense and pushing a new theory of state and local law to prevent the state from interfering in local democracy in the name of corporate interests. The defence is working on the law of local self-government as well as on new theories of the right of first refusal. CELDF has worked with nearly 200 communities to advance legislation to align the purpose of the law and the place of power in society with those most affected by the legislation. This activism and the law it promotes protects the most basic rights currently violated by the colonial legal system we inherited. To enforce these rights, communities prohibit harmful commercial activities ranging from coal mining and factory farms to hydraulic fracturing and sewage sludge dumping. This activism creates the conditions for certain rights to be applied to companies that are currently constitutionally exempt from respect for the rights of people and ecosystems and the biosphere. If damage from a business or government threatens you or your community, contact us and learn how to take action to protect your community.
Residents are told they cannot stop the injection of toxic fracking waste into their community. What for? Because the state has deviated from it and the company has the « right » to inject. Legal Aid for Veterans – Find free legal clinics and other resources from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Armed Forces Legal Assistance – Find nearby military facilities with legal advisory offices. Immigration Legal Services – Search your state for free legal service providers. for people in immigration proceedings. We work with communities that are unwilling to submit to the oppression of an unjust legal structure created by the major economic powers for their own benefit. Together, we join a movement that recognizes, secures and protects the rights of all who live in a community. Pro Bono and Free Legal Aid – Find free or low-income legal assistance. The final blockade of local self-government is the black hole of doubt. We think we are not smart enough, strong enough, or empowered enough – we literally don`t believe we have the inalienable right to govern.
Sally Kempton, an author and feminist, says, « It`s hard to defeat an enemy who has outposts in mind. » National Disability Rights Network – Find legal service providers by state for people with disabilities. Find a local nonprofit to get other support. Judges are appointed from a group of people who tend to make decisions disguised as « neutrality » and « precedent » that protect the status quo from environmental degradation and human exploitation. To qualify for this position, judges must believe that the law is « neutral » and somehow related to justice, and therefore have the privilege of complying with the myriad of laws that criminalize poverty, darkness, disability, and the overlap of these and other identities. The courts are linked to precedents1 that have emerged for centuries in a country built on racism, violence and humiliation – ever since the first settlers created the concept of property and imposed it on land once administered by people who recognized our interdependence with it. Open racism may have been eradicated in much of our legal landscape, but the underlying sentiments have only found increasingly insidious ways to disguise themselves as « neutrals. » Legal Services Corporation (LSC) – Find legal aid for low-income individuals and families. 1 We like to think that precedents can change if we can only get one « right » person on SCOTUS. But property protection is so integral to the function of the courts that it becomes useless to know who writes expert opinions. City of Sherrill v.
Oneida Indian Nation of NY, ruled in 2005, noting that even if a First Nation bought land after being evicted centuries ago, it still could not restore a sovereign tribal government in that country, due to the doctrine of discovery, which states that once Europeans claim land from Indigenous peoples, they belonged to them under the law. It was An opinion of Ginsburg that only shows that the entire legal system is so cooked and rooted in colonialism that even our supposed heroes embody the immorality of the system they had to adapt to come to power. If you are looking for help with a civil matter, enter an address or city below to find an LSC-funded legal aid organization near you.
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