4 octobre 2022

Blue Ink on Legal Documents

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In a more romantic sense, what can make you feel more dignified and complete than creating something permanent with a tool that feels worthy of action? A thin stainless steel pen that sits comfortably in the palm of your hand makes the extent of the situation all the more important. Modern Fuel`s luxurious writing instruments come with luxurious black ink, making any legal document even more important. Signatures in blue ink are easier to distinguish on papers filled with a lot of black print. The securities company and lender will want to quickly check the more than 100 pages of documents to get accurate signatures before the transaction is completed. The blue ink stands out in a sea of black ink. Plus, it`s dark enough to read it and appear on a copy. Surprisingly, the ink can be black in the wrong color, says Jim Angleton, president of Aegis, an issuer of prepaid debit and debit cards for businesses. « If you apply for a credit card in person, your bank may ask you to sign the application in blue ink. » Today, I was reminded again of the importance of original blue ink signatures on official legal documents. I reviewed a court transcript stating that an infringement had been committed on part of a legal document that had been altered to be used as evidence for the forger. Fortunately for the other party, whose name and reputation were defamed, they had a practice of using only original signatures in blue ink and keeping those originals on file. However, avoid colors other than black or blue, as the copy can wash out lighter ink colors. Some government agencies require black ink, while others require blue ink.

Some reasons are: black ink, which is compatible with older scanning technologies. mul Blue ink is more different from black text. In any case, follow the instructions on government, commercial or financial forms for the required ink color. Without specific instructions, the choice is yours. Red ink, on the other hand, often elicits a negative reaction – perhaps we can attribute some of it to the pens our teachers used to grade our papers. Red is not often used to sign documents, but not for the reason you suspect. Red as well as colors such as green or purple do not necessarily make sense on photocopied documents. Scanners can`t always capture these colors, so the signatures appear very bright or aren`t displayed at all. To avoid these possibilities, it is better to opt for the safest choice – black or blue ink.

For many years, I have advised my family, friends and clients to ALWAYS use blue ink data, initials and signatures to confirm the original document from copies. In my opinion, it is not wise to use black ink for legally binding official documents. The most important feature of signatures is that they are unique to each individual. For this reason, they are the standard method for accurately distinguishing the parties in a written agreement. Although we have covered the details of signing legal contracts in previous articles, here is some additional information about choosing the right color and ink quality when signing important documents. Documents submitted to a court, including applications, complaints and other requests, must comply with the formatting guidelines set out in the court`s local rules of procedure. These rules can be strict and vary greatly from court to court. In some jurisdictions, the rules do not specify which color of ink should be used on legal documents. However, other jurisdictions, such as the Ross County Courthouse in Ohio, require that blue ink be used when signing documents. This rule is intended to ensure that the judge is able to distinguish between the original document and all copies.

Failure to sign the document in blue ink in jurisdictions that require it may result in a court order to resubmit the documents, and you may also be reprimanded by the judge. It is always recommended to research local rules of procedure or consult with a lawyer before submitting documents to the court. « Today, scanners that read documents use red laser light, » says Wong. « When the red laser light scans the document, it colors the entire document red. Thus, a signature written in red ink seems to disappear. And with the current sophistication of technology, it`s perfectly reasonable that a copy could be mistaken for an original. It is not difficult to imagine the various documents that could be modified for nefarious purposes. These documents can include wills, contracts, deeds, promissory notes and many more. As soon as someone puts their name on paper, they want the words above their signature to become an indisputable law. For this reason, legal documents have strict rules designed to avoid loopholes, subsequent negotiations, and future disputes. In most cases, for example, legal documents must be signed with a pen.

The use of other writing tools is rare: you don`t want to sign a legally binding document in pencil – although despite what you may have guessed, a pencil signature is still legally binding. You could sign with a pencil, and the document would still be legitimate. However, most people know that this is not recommended because common sense dictates the use of permanent ink. Pencil marks may be removed and the validity of the document may be questioned. This is one of the questions we receive the most when we help our clients set up their legal estate planning program. Ink painting can have different meanings in different workspaces. For example, teachers typically use red ink to evaluate papers, and in the business world, black ink is generally considered more professional than « stronger » colors like purple or pink. In many cases, these preferences are simply a matter of industry practice and not binding rules. However, when it comes to documents filed with the courts, some jurisdictions have specific rules regarding the color of the ink to be used when signing the original documents. « We recommend that signatories to our documents use blue ink because it contrasts with our applications, which is especially beneficial if there are identification issues in the future, » says Angleton. I am not aware of any law regulating the color of the ink required to sign a legal document.

Someone can`t get out of an agreement or contract just because they signed with the wrong color. However, if the instructions for signing a document indicate that it must be signed in a specific color, these instructions must be followed. This is because blue ink is harder to reproduce and easier to recognize on paper, which is usually filled with a lot of black (thin) prints. And Angleton says that because black ink is the most widely used printer ink color, it`s the simplest color that can be duplicated or copied via home software and printers. We keep a regular supply of blue ink pens at the finishing table to sign documents.

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